Just the chickoo when blended with milk and sugar made the milkshake unbelievably creamy and sweet. This enhances the taste of the chickoo shake greatly. Most of the milkshake shops in India add vanilla ice cream as well. I just blend the chikoo with milk and sugar and the shake tastes extremely delicious. I always end up making milkshake out if it. The fresh ripe fruits tastes incredibly sweet, it can be eaten just like that or made into milkshake. Only place where this fruit is available is in Indian stores, that too frozen ones exported from India. However, in the US, this fruit is not available. Seeing my love for this fruit, my mom planted a tree on the backyard of my Kerala house and I felt extremely happy to hear from her that it has started to yield fruits. Also, chickoo trees are commonly found in most of the houses in Kerala. On my way back from college I used to buy chikoo shake almost everyday. In fact, there was a milkshake shop near to my house in Kerala and I was a regular customer. With this one on the menu, I never had to think twice on which milkshake to order. Add the chikoos, banana, milk, and yogurt to a blender and process until the ingredients. 5 chikoos, peeled, deseeded and chopped 1 banana 3 cups whole milk cup greek yogurt 3 ice cubes, to serve Method. In India, Chickoo shake is commonly found on the milkshake menu. If the season’s hot or you’ve just finished a workout, this is an ideal recipe for cooling down. This is widely found in India, Mexico and Central America.

Sapodilla or sapota or chickoo, is a fruit with exceptionally sweet malty flavor, its flavor closely resembles to that of caramel.

Honestly, the best way to eat this fruit is by itself.When it comes to milkshake, I know what exactly I want, my all time favorite: Chickoo shake… There are quite a few interesting recipes out there, from chickoo halwa, kheer, to even barfis. Now while the fruit isn't really cooked, or even used in salads (except for maybe fruit salads), probably due its supremely dominating flavours, the sapota can be blended into milk or yogurt and had as a smoothie. The varieties of sapota in India have funny names - Kali Patli, cricket ball, Baramati, Pili Patli, Dwarapudi, Chhatri and so on. Incidentally, Karnataka is known to be the highest grower of the fruit, followed by Maharashtra. In India, the sapota is grown in many states - Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh.

With its roots in Mexico, Easter Guatemala and Belize (on the eastern coast of central America), the Colonisers took it to the Philippines from where it travelled to the rest of Asia, making its way into India only in the late nineteenth century. Had it not been for them, the chickoo, chikoo or sapota would have perhaps never come to India. We have something to thank the Spanish for. But taking the middle path, we're not quite sure. It's quite easy to either love the sapota or hate it.
#Chikoo recipes skin
The heady sweet aroma of sapota is unmistakable, with its fleshy brown skin and grainy sweetness in the inside.